Day #29: Writing Over The Sign

Mungkin ini sebuah semiotika. Penanda dan pertanda yang bisa jadi bersifat linear atau abriter. Namun saya tidak akan menggunakan teori Peirce, Saussure ataupun Barthes. Yang saya gunakan hanya teori purba, dimana saya menulis ulang di benak dari apa yang saya tangkap, lihat dan rasakan.

Writing over the sign you wrote. Because its this way. This way that I want to walk.

Writing over the sign that you made. Because its this way. This way that I believe.

Little blue, a quiet mood. I see a boundary along the street. You came up to me with a smiley face.
I said “boy, your going to walk by yourself.”

Wondering who sail up to the sky. So tired that I fall asleep. If waking up the street that nobody knows.
Then I seer decision of the black well mole. Where the soldier learns. 
Because its this way. This way that I believe.

Where you don’t find a way. Because its this way. This way that I believe.

Even the wolf . Looks for someone to talk. We only thought it was his own safe.
Or it’s a truce. its missing an after all. Something more. Something more.
Something more from the night.

Writing over the sign you made. Because its this way, this way. that I want to go.

Writing over the sign that you made. Because its this way.
This way that I believe.

Writing over the sign you know. Because its this way. This way that I believe.
Because its this way. This way that I believe. Because its this way.
This way that I believe.


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